Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan was in the kitchen with Cheelei, he was a true warrior, he was known as violent and with an unpredictable dual nature, and he could be destructive and evil. This maniac saiyan was hungry and he was waiting for the dinner, Cheelai was taking a long time to get the food ready. Broly went behind her and take it then he put two fingers on Cheelai’s butthole, she gets upset and said that Saiyans had no class; Cheeila had zero tolerance when her stomach was empty and he knew what the consequences were.
The Punishment
Broly knew he was going to be punishing so he got down like a dog and Cheelai held his submissive training collar, the legendary super Saiyan was dominated by his little wife, Broly had nothing to do just obey everything his wife command. Cheelai forced him to eat her pussy she told him to quit his squirming, Broly was rubbing his mouth in her pussy and licking it and Cheelai held his training collar harder; she was the violent one at that moment. Broly just eats her like she wanted, when Cheelai was cumming she put Broly’s head outside her pulling the training collar she wanted him to show her the painting job her left in his face with her cum.
The Lesson
Broly was staring at her with those big puppy-dog eyes that she loved it, Broly was a good boy he thought he got his punishment; he had just learned the lesson. Cheelai told him that she did not think he had learned his lesson yet, she thought there was a lot of things that she could teach him about respect. Cheelai grabbed his hair and lead him to the bedroom.