Mad Project – Captain Barracuda

Mad Project – Captain Barracuda 1 Mad Project – Captain Barracuda 2 Mad Project – Captain Barracuda 3 Mad Project – Captain Barracuda 4 Mad Project – Captain Barracuda 5 Mad Project – Captain Barracuda 6 Mad Project – Captain Barracuda 7 Mad Project – Captain Barracuda 8 Mad Project – Captain Barracuda 9 Mad Project – Captain Barracuda 10

Captain Barracuda and her crew had been looking for a hidden treasure where a wonderful jewel would be found. Finally, they found it, back on her island, the captain Barracuda invited them to see this wonderful jewel, it was “the tear of the mermaid” when the crew saw it they were frightened and warned her that it was a jewel that had a terrible curse so she should get rid of it. Captain Barracuda told them that it was just superstitions and she put it on in her neck. He cheerfully told the crew how it suits her.
The curse of The Tear of the Mermaid
Instantly her crew began to feel madly attracted to her and they began to touch her, she annoyed asked them to move away and thought to herself that it was the curse of the jewel and she had to take it off quickly because she began to feel horny, but she didn’t do it because she wanted to know how it would end, it was the first time that her crew didn’t obey and that excited her. Suddenly, the whole crew was over her, some of them were fucking her from behind while she was sucking and grabbing the other guys’ dicks, so they spent the night until they were all exhausted lying on the berth.
Find the real booty
A long time later, Captain Barracuda sold the β€œthe tear of the mermaid” jewel telling her buyer that she could own any man if she wore; she got tons of gold for it. When she told her crew about the sale, they confessed to her that it was just a common piece of glass, after hearing this she became upset and thought about to hang them to the mainmast with their guts but she had a better idea and spared their lives. She got naked in front of them sat on a pirate chest and told them that if their wanted to share of her booty they will have to earn it.

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